Wind-driven rain solver for OpenFOAM

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Tutorials Click Here

Enlarged view: cube
Figure 1 Tutorial case: stand-alone cubic building. Distribution of catch ratio.
Enlarged view: diagram
Figure 2 Streamlines of wind flow, trajectories of raindrops and contours of catch ratio.

WindDrivenRainFoam has been validated in the papers below. Relevant papers are kindly requested to be cited in case the solver is used.

Kubilay A, Derome D, Blocken B, Carmeliet J. (2013). CFD simulation and validation of wind-driven rain on a building facade with an Eulerian multiphase model. Building and Environment; 61:69-81. external pagedoi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2012.12.005

Kubilay A, Derome D, Blocken B, Carmeliet J. (2014). Numerical simulations of wind-driven rain on an array of low-rise cubic buildings and validation by field measurements. Building and Environment; 81:283-295. external pagedoi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.07.008

Kubilay A, Derome D, Blocken B, Carmeliet J. (2015). Numerical modeling of turbulent dispersion for wind-driven rain on building facades. Environmental Fluid Mechanics; 15(1):109-133. external pagedoi:10.1007/s10652-014-9363-2

Kubilay A, Derome D, Blocken B, Carmeliet J. (2015). Wind-driven rain on two parallel wide buildings: field measurements and CFD simulations. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics; 146:11-28. external pagedoi:10.1016/j.jweia.2015.07.006

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