Past Events
Chair of Building Physics attended InterPore 2019
PhD students and Postdocs from Chair of Building Physics participated in the 11th annual meeting of InterPore in Valencia. The contributions from our chair in this successful conference included several talks and poster presentations as are listed below (Presenter):
“Multiphase flow and phase change processes in porous materials: coupled experimental-computational approach at pore scale”
Invited talk given by Prof. Jan Carmeliet.
See the slides here:

“Influence of yarn configuration on wicking processes studied by fast X-ray micro-tomography”
Robert Fischer; Christian M. Schlepütz; Dominique Derome; Rene M. Rossi; Jan Carmeliet.
“Lattice Boltzmann simulation of drop impact on textile materials placed on a substrate”
Ali Mazloomi Moqaddam; Thijs de Goede; Dominique Derome; Noushine Shahidzadeh; Daniel Bonn; Jan Carmeliet.
“Unraveling the interplay of different sorption-induced deformation mechanisms in a slit pore: an atomistic simulation approach”
Mingyang Chen; Benoit Coasne; Robert Guyer; Dominique Derome; Jan Carmeliet.
“Hysteresis, sorption, swelling and mechanical behavior of wood: a multiscale study”
Dominique Derome; Mingyang Chen; Chi Zhang; Benoit Coasne; Sinan Keten; Robert Guyer; Jan Carmeliet.
“Design of multilayer porous pavements for optimizing their evaporative cooling potential as a strategy for urban heat island mitigation”
Andrea Ferrari; Aytac Kubilay; Dominique Derome; Jan Carmeliet.
“Hybrid LBM simulation of non-isothermal drying of colloid suspension in a micro-pore structure”
Feifei Qin; Luca Del Carro; Ali Mazloomi Moqaddam; Qinjun Kang; Dominique Derome; Jan Carmeliet.
“Coupled CFD-DEM modelling of granular porous media under shear: implications for dynamics of faults with granular gouge”
Omid Dorostkar; Jan Carmeliet.
“Pore-scale Two-phase Flow Simulation in Porous Media Coupling Pore Network Model and Lattice Boltzmann Method”
Jianlin Zhao; Ali Mazloomi Moqaddam; Dominique Derome; Jan Carmeliet.
ETHZ water tunnel - Press release
On 15.06.18, the new ETHZ Water Tunnel has been officially inaugurated.
Here the links to the press releases.
external page RSI - TELEGIORNALE - Un canale d'acqua contro la canicola
external page NZZ - Neue Zürcher Zeitung -Eine Klimaanlage für heisse Städte
external page -Bringing the heat out of the city

- chevron_right Urban Physics Winter School
- chevron_right Physmod 2015
- chevron_right COLEB workshop
- chevron_right 18th ICNEM
- chevron_right "let the wind flow" - workshop
- chevron_right CrysPoM II
- external page call_made New cold-chain and packaging technologies to reduce food losses
- external page call_made Urban Physics Autumn School 2017